The farthest leaning tower of the world

The Farthest Leaning Tower of the world!

The farthest leaning tower is

the Gau-Weinheim Bell Tower (Germany)

with a tilt of 5.4277° in Gau-Weinheim

Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

as verified in 2022.

Der Schiefe Turm von Gau-Weinheim - Im Rekordbuch

Presentation of the Guinness World Record - September 10, 2023 2pm

www.rid-worldrecord/the farthest leaning tower of the world

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The farthest leaning tower of the world is in Gau-Weinheim

The main sight of the village is the "Farthest Leaning Tower of Gau-Weinheim", whose leaning position has been handed down since time immemorial. The listed square tower of Gau-Weinheim is a medieval fortified tower of the former cemetery fortifications. Since its renovation in 1991, the bells ring again at 11 a.m., 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. for the traditional civic peal. According to a new measurement of 15 July 2022, "The Leaning Tower" of Gau-Weinheim has an inclination of 5.4277°. This broke the record previously held by the tower of Suurhusen - the tower in Suurhusen has an inclination of only 5.19°. The tower in Gau-Weinheim, located in the middle of Rheinhessen, is thus significantly more inclined than the one in Pisa". At 5.4277°, it is even more crooked than the tower of Suurhusen, (5.19°) listed in the GWR (Guinness World Records) and RID (Rekord Institute for Germany). Its angle of inclination even surpasses that of Pisa Campanile in Italy, which has only 3.97°. Obergasse 4, 55578 Gau-Weinheim - Open to the public

The farthest leaning tower of the world
The farthest leaning tower of the world

The farthest leaning tower of the world is not in Pisa

Videos - The farthest leaning tower

Schiefster Turm der Welt | The farthest leaning tower

Der Gemeindeturm | The community tower | Gau-Weinheim

Leaning Garisenda Tower: Bologna fears for landmarks: The whole world is afraid that the Garisenda Tower in Bologna will collapse, but there is no need to worry: There are leaning towers in Germany too, namely the twice-awarded "Farthest leaning Tower in the World" in Gau-Weinheim. The Gau-Weinheim defense tower was renovated in 1991 and will still be standing in 100 years. Even the international press reports about it. More Info here: